Changing the Experience of Divorce

We are having raw and candid conversations that you need to be having. Conversations that will improve your life.

If you are looking to level up in your life and your relationships, you have come to the right place…

Produced by: VoiceAmerica


The Spouse of a Covert Narcissist

With Lauren LaRusso
The affair that results from being married to a covert narcissist is most often the affair of self-liberation and an act of self-restoration since the spouse has to be a shadow of their truer or fuller self in their marriage. Marriage to any kind of narcissist has an abusive effect, How can you spot a covert narcissist even if it's almost impossible to identify on the outside?


Co-Parenting That Works

With Jay Skibbens
Co-parenting isn't impossible. Jay and I sit down and talk about how parents can let go of fear, set healthy boundaries, communicate more effectively and create thriving lives, no matter what their EX do! For Co-Parenting Courses, follow Jay on Instagram @jayskibbens


Finding Healthy Love

With Jillian Turecki
In this episode, I have the privilege of sitting with world-renowned love and relationship expert Jillian Turecki. Jillian is on a mission to teach people how to transform their love life completely, and where you start is by addressing the relationship you have with yourself.  Whether you’re looking to strengthen your relationship, heal your heartbreak and choose better partners, develop a stronger sense of self, or move away from dysfunctional patterns into highly functioning ones, this episode is for you.



Surviving the Loss of a Child to Suicide

With Ronnie Stevenson
I am deeply honoured to have the privilege to get vulnerable and humanly emotional with @ronniestevenson, former star of The Real Housewives of Vancouver @realhousewivesofvancouver as she shares openly and candidly about her very personal, devastating and heart wrenching story of the sudden loss of her son, @thehoustonstevensonlegacy to suicide 15 months ago.
Ronnie’s beautiful courage to find the strength to keep going in the face of this inconceivable tragedy is nothing short of a story of strength, grit, resilience and the realness of raw grief.


Get Past Your Past

With Jason VanRuler
In this episode, we talk about how to get over your past and move on to live a more fulfilled and meaningful life without the past continuing to loom over you. Jason is launching his new book; Get Past Your Past: How Facing Your Broken Places Leads to True Connection. In this book, Jason invites you to own your past, hold onto hope, and live a connected life.


Secrets to a Thriving Relationship for Men

With Bryan Reeves
Like most men, you've felt alone for a long time – even when surrounded by people. No matter how much money you make, how healthy your body is, whether you're single or have the family of your dreams, your mental stress and (secret) inner struggles persist. You endlessly search for what you never seem to find: FREEDOM.
Freedom from what? Stress. Stagnation. Self-doubt. Self-sabotage. Feeling isolated and alone. A consistently nourishing, thriving intimacy may elude you. You may feel disconnected from your deepest purpose. Even when you get your way, it never fully satisfies.
For more guided support for men (women & couples, too) please visit: bryanreeves.com



I’m Having an Affair

With Lauren LaRusso
You have found yourself in an extramarital affair for reasons unique to you. Some reasons you are aware of and others you may be unclear about. In this episode, we dive into these reasons. I sit down with Lauren LaRusso, a trauma-informed psychotherapist who has helped countless individuals and couples process extramarital affairs impacting their lives. 
Infidelity has affected her life, my life, and countless others we love and care about. It became a clear path for her to make it her mission to help others through, heal, and grow from an affair.


The 3 Essential Ingredients to A Solid Relationship Foundation

In successful relationships, there are three essential ingredients that must be carefully considered and nurtured in order for your relationship to survive. Think of these as the pillars upon which a thriving partnership stands.
